67 Unique At Home Date Ideas to Stay Home and Cozy

Big fan of staying in? Hate crowds? I understand. I am a huge fan of at home date ideas that allow us to stay nice and cozy inside of our own home. Think they’re boring? Let me help.

Keep reading for a HUGE list of unique at home date ideas that are fun. I have a list of cheap ideas as well as a list for those who don’t mind spending a bit of money!

Love love love date night? Check out my posts on the best date spots in Los Angeles as well as the most romantic dates in San Diego!

For some of the best date nights, check out my posts on date night questions and bucket list date ideas.

At Home Date Ideas

The best part about this giant list is that most of the ideas are SO cheap!

Let’s gooooooo!

  1. Living Room Travel Night: Pick a country and transform your living room into a travel destination with music, food, and decorations.

  2. Quality Time Jar: On slips of paper, create a jar filled with quality time activities. Pick one to do together each week.

  3. Cook-Off with a New Recipe: Challenge each other to make the best dish using only ingredients you have at home.

  4. Video Games Night: Play co-op or competitive video games and keep track of scores for a little friendly competition. Make things interesting!

  5. Living Room Theater: Turn your living room into a theater with printed tickets, popcorn, and your favorite movies.

  6. Memory Lane Scrapbook: Spend the evening creating a scrapbook filled with photos and memories from your relationship.

  7. Make it Cozy: Make your living room or bedroom as cozy as can be. Amazon has some awesome picks for this!

  8. Face Masks and Fun: Apply face masks and watch a comedy movie for a relaxing and fun night.

  9. Light Candles for a Romantic Dinner: Cook a special meal together and enjoy it by candlelight in your living room.

  10. Wine Tasting on a Budget: Buy a few different bottles of inexpensive wine and have your own tasting at home.

  11. Recreate Your First Date at Home: Mimic the activities and food from your first date, but do it in the comfort of your home.

  12. Write Love Letters: Take turns writing and reading heartfelt love letters to each other.

  13. Read Passages from Your Favorite Books: Share and read aloud your favorite excerpts from books you love.

  14. Friendly Board Game Competition: Have a night of board games with a fun prize for the winner. There are plenty of adult-friendly games out there as well!

  15. DIY Scavenger Hunt: Create a scavenger hunt around your home with clues that lead to a small surprise.

  16. Living Room Picnic: Spread out a blanket, prepare some snacks, and have an indoor picnic.

  17. Movie Marathon with Themes: Choose a theme (like classic romance or adventure) and watch movies that fit.

  18. Make a Bucket List: Sit down together and create a bucket list of adventures you want to have. If you need inspiration, I have an awesome bucket list post for couples!

  19. Cook a Meal from Your Favorite Restaurant: Try to recreate a dish from your favorite restaurant at home.

  20. Living Room Karaoke: Sing your hearts out to your favorite songs using a karaoke app or YouTube.

  21. Living Room Pictionary: Play a game of Pictionary using a whiteboard or paper, taking turns to draw and guess.

  22. Create a Quality Time Jar: Write down fun date ideas on slips of paper and draw one each week for quality time together.

  23. Bake a New Recipe Together: Find a new dessert recipe online and bake it together, then enjoy your creation with a cup of coffee or tea.

  24. Make a Video Game Night Special: Create a tournament with your favorite video games and keep a scoreboard for some friendly competition.

  25. Host a DIY Game Night: Design your own game night with homemade games and play them together.

  26. Board Game Fun: Spend the evening playing through a stack of board games, challenging each other to friendly competition.

  27. Create a Memory Lane Scrapbook: Gather your favorite photos and create a scrapbook that tells the story of your relationship.

  28. Explore Your Love Languages: Take a love languages quiz together and discuss ways to show each other love based on the results.

  29. At-Home Art Studio: Set up an art studio with canvases, paints, and brushes, and spend the evening creating masterpieces.

  30. Enjoy an Ice Cream Sundae Bar: Set up a DIY ice cream sundae bar with various toppings and create your own sundaes.

  31. Host a Double Date via Video Call: Invite another couple to join you for a virtual double date, playing games or having a chat.

  32. Relax with Face Masks and a Movie: Apply face masks and watch a favorite movie together for a relaxing night in.

  33. Light Candles and Have a Romantic Dinner: Set the mood with candles and soft music, and enjoy a special dinner in the comfort of your home.

  34. Write Love Letters to Each Other: Spend time writing heartfelt love letters to each other and then reading them aloud.

  35. Organize Your Favorite Photos: Go through your digital photo collection and organize your favorite memories into albums or a photo book.

  36. Host a Friendly Competition: Challenge each other to a series of mini-games or activities, keeping score to see who wins.

  37. Plan a Perfect Date Night: Take turns planning and surprising each other with creative at-home date night ideas.

  38. Create a Bucket List Journal: Scrapbook all of your bucket list worthy adventures in a journal.

  39. Host a Wine Tasting Night: Select a few different bottles of wine and have a tasting, rating each one and discussing the flavors.

  40. Scavenger Hunt with Clues: Create a scavenger hunt around your home with personalized clues that lead to a surprise.

  41. Have a Fun Date Night with Themed Costumes: Choose a theme, dress up accordingly, and spend the evening in character.

  42. Enjoy a Comforting Movie Marathon: Watch a series of your favorite comfort movies while snuggling under a cozy blanket.

  43. Recreate Your Favorite Restaurant Meal: Cook a meal together inspired by your favorite restaurant dish.

  44. Host a Good Times Talent Show: Take turns showcasing hidden talents or performing silly acts for each other.

  45. Create a Vision Board for Future Adventures: Use magazines and craft supplies to create vision boards of places you want to visit and things you want to do together.

  46. Have a Cozy Blanket Fort Movie Night: Build a blanket fort and watch movies inside, making it extra cozy with pillows and snacks.

  47. Explore a Virtual Escape Room: Join an online escape room game and work together to solve puzzles and escape.

  48. Design Your Dream Home Together: Use paper and pens to draw your dream home, discussing every detail from room layout to décor.

  49. Host a Fairy Tales Reading Night: Take turns reading classic fairy tales to each other, using funny voices and dramatic expressions.

  50. Create an Accent Wall Together: Choose a wall in your home and decorate it with paint, decals, or photos for a fun DIY project.

  51. Living Room Tea Tasting: Have a tea tasting night with various tea flavors, discussing your favorites and learning about their origins.

  52. Create a Bucket List with Bonus Points: Make a couple’s bucket list and assign bonus points for completing items within a set time frame.

  53. DIY Photo Booth with Fairy Lights: Set up a photo booth with a fairy lights backdrop and fun props for a mini photo session.

  54. Craft a Charcuterie Board: Create a fancy charcuterie board together with different cheeses, meats, fruits, and nuts.

  55. Virtual Museum Date: Explore a virtual tour of a famous museum and discuss your favorite pieces.

  56. Living Room Jazz Club: Create a jazz club atmosphere with dim lighting, jazz music, and your favorite cocktails.

  57. Design a Time Capsule: Gather items that represent your current life and relationship, and create a time capsule to be opened in the future.

  58. Host a Wine Tasting: Get creative and buy a few wines you haven’t tried. Try them out, pair them well, and enjoy.

  59. Living Room Obstacle Course: Create an obstacle course using furniture and household items for a fun physical challenge.

  60. DIY Craft Night: Each of you pick a craft you’ve always wanted to try, or think could be fun, and do them together.

  61. Living Room Disco: Set up a disco ball, play some classic hits, and dance the night away.

  62. Recreate Famous Paintings Together: Choose famous paintings and try to recreate them using art supplies you have at home.

  63. Make Your Own Ice Cream: Use an ice cream maker or a no-churn recipe to make your own ice cream flavors.

  64. DIY Pottery Wheel: Use a DIY pottery wheel kit to create pottery pieces together.

  65. Living Room Sports Night: Create your own mini-sports tournament with games like mini golf, table tennis, or indoor bowling.

  66. Digital Detox Night: Turn off your cell phones and spend the evening without any digital devices, focusing on each other.

  67. Create Your Own Fairy Tale: Write and illustrate your own fairy tale story together, incorporating elements of your relationship.

I hope this giant list of at home date night ideas has inspired you to plan out your next one right at home!


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